The International Council of Marine Industry Associations – ICOMIA – is the international trade association representing the global marine industry since 1966. ICOMIA brings together national marine industry associations in one global organization and represents them at an international level, presenting a strong and united voice when dealing with issues challenging the industry.
Nearly 40 national associations across the world are full members covering most of the industrial world, from North America across to Japan and from Finland to New Zealand. With the support of members, ICOMIA lobbies international authorities and major organizations, and publishes documents and guidelines while also producing tools to facilitate the growth of the industry. ICOMIA is a valuable organization helping address many international regulatory and policy topics affecting the leisure marine industry.
ICOMIA works proactively to develop new strategies, placing a huge focus on sustainability. The Association also produces a Statistics Book each year providing the industry with a view of the size of the leisure marine industry across the world.
ICOMIA’s main objective is to encourage the exchange of views between its members and promote best practices. With its 11 committees which range from Environment to Technical, Exporters, Market Intelligence, Chemicals Group, Superyacht Division, Grow Boating and more, the association provides a forum to consider issues of common concern, collect relevant data and formulate agreed policy.