Farrokh Golchin leads StratConn LLC, a major supplier of equipment and services to GCC marinas. A founding member of the Leisure Marine Association, he has over 20 years of experience in the leisure marine industry. Farrokh serves on the International Board of the Global Marina Institute, representing the Middle East and advancing global marina standards.
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{{current_weather.temp | temp}} °{{units}}
{{day.dt | momentjs(atts.date)}}
{{day.temp | temp}} °{{day.temp_min | temp}} °{{units}}
{{current_weather.temp | temp}} °
Humidity: {{current_weather.humidity}}%
Clouds: {{current_weather.clouds}}%
Wind ({{current_weather.wind.deg}}): {{current_weather.wind.speed}}{{units_wind}}
Clouds: {{current_weather.clouds}}%
Wind ({{current_weather.wind.deg}}): {{current_weather.wind.speed}}{{units_wind}}
{{day.dt | momentjs(atts.date)}}
{{day.temp | temp}}°
{{day.temp_min | temp}} °